Pupil Safety

You can read our E-Safety policy on our Statutory Information pageĀ here.

Websites for children

KidSmart – Learn more about the Internet and how to be a SMART surfer

ThinkUKnow – Advice on online safety

CBBC Stay Safe – E-Safety games and songs

Childnet – Working to make the Internet a safe place for children

DigiDuck’s Big Decision – A story about online friendship and making the right decisions (KS1)

Adventures of Smartie The Penguin –A story about asking for help when using the Internet (KS1)

Digizen – Become a responsible digital citizen

Safe Search Engines for children

It is important to ensure children are using safe search engines. These are links to search engines which are considered safe for children. Please encourage your child to use these at home when searching the Internet.

Websites for parents

Safe Network – Guidance on helping keep children safe online

The dangers of social media – Snapchat risks

A Parents Guide to Technology

The UK Safer Internet Day Centre has created this guide to answer some commonly asked questions and introduce some of the most popular devices used by children, highlighting the safety tools available and empowering parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use these technologies safely and responsibly.

A Parents Guide to Parental Controls

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